
Not much going on today. I tried to paint my oldest's room again but the roller we decided to use is not working like we had hoped. We went with a sponge, real sponge, roller in hopes of adding some depth and texture to the paint but it just did not come off like we were hoping. Now we need to re-think how we are going to do this.

My back has been on fire for the last few days and sleep has been difficult. I made a roll for my knees to prop on in bed and while it works for a bit I find it makes it much more difficult to find a new position with any ease. I wind up kicking it out of the bed and then having to fish for it later on. I just do not know what to do.

I am finding it more and more difficult to find a way to get comfortable but I have not told anyone really. I am sure my wife has figured it out (or she will when she reads this...) by the way I am constantly up and down and in and out of bed at night. I find myself having to get up and walk during the night so that I can get comfortable again. It is not often, usually once or twice a night and I will get up and come all the way down stairs and then back up before lying down. It is not much of a walk but it does ok. If I had my druthers I would drag the recliner upstairs every night to sleep in as it seems to be the one place I can lie down for more then 2 straight hours without adjusting. I simply adjust the foot rest which as my legs adjust so does my spine. Even a small adjustment will relieve some of the tension and pain.

We see the crackpot docs this week so we will see what they have to say.


Stacy said...

You could do like my husband, and sleep in the recliner every single day. It really does give him a much better night sleep, and I have gotten use to it by now, so it does not bother me anymore.

opforsoldier said...

My wife has said the same thing about the recliner. If it means I will get some sleep and be rested then she is all for it. What I have been doing recently though is when she gets in from work I head down to the chair and sleep.