
The length

And time of your child's nap is inversely proportional to the amount of sleep you had the night before.

My wife is an angel. I did not get much sleep but she must have gotten less then me. While I did finally fall asleep in the recliner it was short lived as my oldest decided to be his usual rude self and stomp through the house like he owns the place. I swear the boy has no concept of "quiet" he is even loud when he talks and it is a constant source of trouble in school as well. Anyway, I got about another 2 hours of sleep but when I woke my wife had been up with the boys the whole time. She said that she knew I had not gotten much sleep and decided to let me be.

I felt bad because she is the one who has to work and while I am tired I will be in bed again long before she has the chance. I did send her back to bed for several hours before she had to go in to work so hopefully she is rested. As well it is Sunday so they close 2 hours earlier and her closing crew is much stronger tonight.

Regardless of how tired either of us are though our little guy is spent. He was up at the crack of dawn and while we have attempted a nap 3 times now he is just not going to go down for one. Of course he is now Cranky McSpanky and just crotchety as can be. Add to that my oldest ones inability to listen and his attitude (I can see I am going to hate puberty) and I am ready to lock them both in their rooms.

My oldest has copped an attitude this evening and apparently does not understand no. I have been recording movies on TiVo and burning them to DVD for some time. Naturally that leads to a pretty decent size movie selection. His great grandmother decided that every child should have a portable DVD player and sent him one for his birthday a few years back. Now on road trips it is great but in the house, not at all. He and I have had this conversation many times, he is not to touch my movies without asking because he tends to lose my things and he is certainly not to watch his portable in the house.

Well I just caught him sitting in the other room watching "Dodgeball" on his portable player. Arrrrrgh! What the hell is going through his head? Or is it?

Oh well, time to get dinner together and then bath time for the youngest.

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