
I still hate IE

Internet Explorer sucks, that is all there is to it. I have done all I can to make this layout look decent and when testing in Opera 8.02, Netscape and Firefox 1.0.6 it looks just as I wanted it too.

I understand that each browser has subtle nuances and that you have to work to get it just right. However I have adjusted all that I can (or will), I have deleted an entire column, scoured the net looking for information on how to fix this, spent an entire afternoon going over it on W3C's website and I still just cannot seem to get it right on IE so I am giving up and leaving it as it is.

So if you arrived here and are viewing this through Microsloths Internet Explorer you are not seeing the site the way you might if you switched to a better browser like Firefox. LOL!


Stacy said...

It's fine now. I know that it is frustrating to you. I just glad that I can now read it all. Thanks for fixing it.

opforsoldier said...

Yes but the top banner and the main column are butted against each other and not centered the way I would like. I am working on it though!

opforsoldier said...

Well thanks to Douglas from http://redmelon.net/ for straightening out the CSS for me.