
Doctors visit

Without a doubt today was the quickest visit I have ever had with any doctor. Granted it was just for refills but I still expected the wait in the lobby and then in the exam room but I guess my 7 or 8 months with this doctor should have taught me that they do not mess around.

My concern was that I had to drive myself as well as bring both the boys with me as my wife had to work. I know, even though she was there for the last appointment and I gave her the card with the date and time on it somehow she had to work with tomorrow being the start of her time off.

Anyway, having to drive that far is a concern for me in the first place but having the boys with me the whole time adds to the excitement. Top that off with trying to keep a 12 year old quiet and a 2 year old from tearing apart everything they touch and I was expecting a nightmare 30-45 minutes. I brought the laptop and some DVD's as usual in hopes of mitigating some of the issues but they have not worked in the past and I was not expecting much today.

I was WAY wrong. My oldest was an angel, almost. He took care of my youngest, kept him calm by playing with the matchbox cars on the way down and once we were in the doctors office he put in an episode of Spongebob and we were golden.

We were not 3 or 4 minutes in the office when the nurse called my name. Since the boys were behaving I figured I would leave them in the lobby, half expecting my youngest to freak out as I left his field of view. Of course Spongebob was on, the house could have been falling down around him and I do not think he would have moved. The nurse led me around the corner to a series of chairs instead of an exam room, took my blood pressure and other vitals, asked me some questions about my back and the pain and then we were done. Perhaps a total of 15 minutes from the time we walked in until we were walking out, not bad. Of course I cannot see the nurse every visit, they make you see the doctor every other at a minimum.

Not a bad jaunt down there and back and my only complaint is that when I stopped to put some gas in the car, ok 2 complaints but that is something else, and for the $15.00 I put in a got a whopping 5.1 gallons. WHEN THE HELL did gas prices jump that high here? Just 2 weeks ago it was about $2.45 and today it was a bit under $3 a gallon.

My other complaint is not that I had to get gas but that I was not told I would need to as had I known I would have gone before my wife went to work. In my town gas theft has been a problem lately, bad enough that it is now prepay inside only which means I have to get out of the car, walk in and then all the way back (why are the pumps SO far from the building?). When I have the boys with me that means I have to get them out as well. If it was just my oldest then no big deal but with my youngest it can be a small pain in the butt, literally. For most people what should be a 5-7 minute task can be double that for me if I have the youngest. Sure it is not a ton of time but the body contortions you have to go through to put a 6' man into the back seat of a Taurus to strap a toddler into a 5 point harness car seat, well you get the picture I'm sure...

It was a quick trip so it all comes out in the wash I guess. I have my refills and we have another night of hellacious storms.

Tomorrow it is back to work on the website.

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