
A LONG night with all the storms that blew through here. Just when you thought we might get some piece and quiet another one would roll through shaking the house with it's thunder. The lightning was intense as well, lighting up the entire room each time it flashed.

I finally fell asleep around 2am only to have my youngest up and ready to go at 7am. It's going to be a long day as I have to drive to the doctors office myself and take the boys with me. The plus side is that I am just seeing the nurse to pick up my prescriptions and that is generally a very quick appointment. They just take some vital signs, ask some questions and then kick you out.

I will also be working on a small project for my sons school. I was asked to revamp the website which is not a problem but like all projects I volunteer for this one quickly became more then I was told it would be. I am now developing the web site for the entire school system (Catholic School). I figure it is going to be about 30+/- pages when it is done but since none of them even exist yet that means we have to do it all from scratch. Needless to say that means I will be dedicating a big chunk of this weekend to that so I may miss some posting here. The good news is that doing the site will defray some, if not all, my sons tuition.

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