

My back feels like someone took a baseball bat to it and just had a field day. I am sore from the dead middle of my back all the way down and through the calf muscle of my left leg and my toes feel like ice.

I cannot help but think this is all from that epidural I had the other day. I can still feel the pain from when he was putting it in and that bothers me. I really do not know what to do about the rest of the series on this one. I am going to let them do the MRI as they have the new highspeed machine. After speaking with the tech he said I would only be in this one for 20 minutes compared to the 45 minutes it has taken in the past, and that is a relief. I would do the open MRI as they have one but he said the image quality is not as good.

Whatever they do I guess I really no longer care. I do not know why I am "forced" to see these crackpots as they have nothing really to offer me except more pain. I have YET to leave their office feeling better, not even 2 or 3 days later when you would expect the treatments to really start working. Instead I along with my insurance company continue to line their pockets with cash. I mean it is not like if I stop seeing them my back is going to get worse. It is most likely going to do that no matter what I do.

Perhaps I should be content that I have found another doctor who has been great. He does not promise me that I will get better but he does his level best to make sure that I am in as little pain as possible. He does not stick my with needles that only make more pain and he does not jam me into a huge magnet looking for something we already know exists.

My next appointment with the crackpots is on the 22nd. I have not made up my mind yet as to what I plan to let them do but right now my thoughts are to allow the MRI to confirm that the scar tissue is growing but then telling them they can keep their epidurals.

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