
They brought the bed by this afternoon and as I expected, that thing is freaking heavy!

We got it upstairs but I cant figure out for sure which is the head and which is the foot side as there is no headboard/footboard. It came with a bonus too! It has a massage feature on it.

We had an interesting evening last night or perhaps I should say early morning. It was raining when I went to bed at about 10pm and it continued through the ENTIRE evening and into the morning. In fact it got so bad that we lost power at about 4am and the creek down the road overflowed. Now creeks overflow but this one is normally seven or eight feet below the top of the bank which is just amazing. In ten years I have never seen it overflow and this morning they had the city crews out pumping water back into the Missouri river from both the creek and the areas that were flooded.

Of course then I checked the AP wire this morning which not only mentions the severe storms in the plains it specifically mentions my small little town. Ouch!

Now while the rest of the city was flooding and we were trying to sleep in the pitch black (isn't it odd how eerily quiet your house is at 4am with no power?) my house started to leak in odd places. I could hear the drip upstairs between the walls and when I came downstairs to get the other flashlight the a/c vent above the sink was leaking like a faucet.

Now the roof does need to be fixed but it is not so bad that you would expect to find those kind of leaks. Then again the amount of rain and the rate it was coming down would do some explaining.

Time for to get the youngest into the bath and ready for bed.

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