
My father in law

Well it looks like my father in law might be coming to stay/live with us. We have a spare bedroom so it is not like he would have to live on the couch or anything as well we have enough bathroom space. Right now it is just the 4 of us and 2 full bathrooms. Of course if we had another girl in the house 2 bathrooms might not be enough. Hahahaha.....

Right now he is by himself in his house (his wife passed away earlier this year) and he owns his own express delivery business which keeps him away a few nights during the week. Since he is only home a few days and then it is just him there I guess my wife talked him into coming to stay.

I am sure he would like to be closer to his daughter and grandkids so it makes good sense that he would come to stay with us. Why should he have to pay a mortgage payment for a house when he is barley there and then when he is he is by himself. I look forward to him being here if that is what he decides to do.

I am just glad that we have the extra space for him and that this house is big enough to support all of us. Of course while we do have the extra space I have yet to ask my wife what he is going to do with his furniture. While we do have a "formal living room" that is not being used (it is a play area right now) that he can put some of his things there would not be much room for his other things. The living room is a good 24X15 so there is a lot of room for another full living room set and to tell you the truth I would not mind having it set up. It would be good for him to perhaps have a place other then his room that is "his area." He could then watch his TV or read without having the boys in his way.

I guess we will see how it goes. I just want to make sure that everyone is happy with the decision and that dad does not feel like we forced him to do anything.

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