
Odds and Ends...

I fixed the redirect page for http://ihavearachnoiditis.info so that you can use that to get to this page should you choose. Of course it also fixes another little SNAFU I created and needed to fix.

My headache is much better then it was the other day but they take some time to go away completely after an episode like the other night. Usually for the next 3-4 days I have more like a tension headache, still uncomfortable but without the puking and forgetting where I am.

I only have two complaints, although they kind of go together so perhaps it is really one complaint, about the new phenergan that the ER doc prescribed for me and that is it must be kept refrigerated and it is a suppository. EEK! I did look to see and they do have an oral version of it so when I see the pain management doc next month I will be asking about it. My concern is there is a difference in the way they work and the oral version is perhaps a slower acting version.

Right now the boys have torn apart the rec room and have moved on to the kitchen. They have gone through what must be a ream of paper trying to make the perfect airplane, my oldest makes and throws them while the youngest is squealing with delight and chasing them. Since they are playing nicely and so far no one is screaming "He hit me" I am content to let them play.

I have been assigned a new case manager for my Social Security case which means my appeal is moving along. Of course she does not have any of the papers that I have sent since my appeal was filed so I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN. That is ok though because I am trying to get them to include my migraines on my application so that they too might be considered for my disability. If they are going to be occurring as frequently and as serious as they have been then I think the doctors should consider them a part of the disability.

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