
The A Word

As many of you have come to realize, my memory sucks and right now I am not in the mood to search the archives so if this is a duplicate post, oh well! LOL!

I received an email from someone who is not only well known in the field of arachnoiditis but well respected. She sent me a link to a site that I have not seen before and it is a great source for information so I have to share it.

The site is called The A Word and is perhaps one of the more complete sites that I have come across in terms of information on/about arachnoiditis. They have articles on the site as well as provide external links to even more information on arachnoiditis, which many sites seem to lack.

Spend some time checking out the site but set aside enough time as it is more in depth then its meager splash page lets on. I think you will find a well done site that has done what many other sites have failed to do and that is provide as much information on arachnoiditis as possible.

After all they even cover headaches which until I was pointed to this site I was unable to find much (if any) information on.

A great job by those at "The A Word"!


freethoughtguy said...

There's lots of "A" words.

Best o' luck to ya!

Saija said...

Good job again, Ed! you really do dig out the info!