
How lucky can one guy get?

You know after my first trip to the ER 2 weeks ago they gave me Phenergan which is a suppository. Now at some point in most of our lives we all have to deal with medication that is taken rectally and that is just part of life.

However how many of us would expect to have to take 2 rectal medications within a 2 week period? My last trip to the ER for the bleeding resulted in being prescribed another medication to help heal the cause of the bleeding. Now I was expecting something oral or at worst, topical. My wife went and picked it up for me and surprise, it is another rectal medication.

This one however is got to the be the worst thing one could hope to have to "apply" to the affected area. Now I do not have a picture of the applicator and I cannot find one so you will just have to use your imagination on this. The applicator screws on top of the tube, which is your standard tube of medication, and it has tiny holes on either side and the very tip of it and from base to tip this sucker has to be 2.5" long. Sorry but that is a bit longer then I would think needed but if you want to get better....

Now you have to squeeze some of the medication into the applicator before you insert it and then squeeze again to apply to the affected area. Now the phenergan was bad enough with it having to be kept in the fridge but this stuff is hands down the winner.

I am hoping that between this medication, of which I only have 4 tubes to go through..., and the flax seed meal I will be back to my old self in no time and can just continue on the flax seed meal.

Now I was doing some reading on the flax seed and apparently one of it's properties is a substance which the body can turn in to Omega 3 which is a fatty acid commonly found in some fish as well as items such as Cod Liver Oil. However according to several of the articles that I have read on this many people do not get enough of this important fatty acid due to the lower intake of fish as well as the fact that the diets of many animals raised for food are lower in Omega 3 themselves. Apparently animals raised "free range" have higher content of Omega 3.

I guess this means for me I need to determine where my daily intake levels are and if the flax seed is not going to provide the proper amount then supplement it with cod liver pills. Whatever it takes to heal the problem and ditch the applicator!

As well with the flax seed, for those considering perhaps to add it to their diet, you should be aware of the complications the seeds might cause for people suffering from Diverticulitis. It is best to play it safe and use the seeds in their meal/ground form.

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