

My small city has passed a law that starting this year anyone convicted of a sex related offense is not allowed to give out candy on Halloween. Since the city also has an ordinance that covers Halloween trick or treating they have added the sex offenders to the law. What happens here is that you may only trick or treat between 6 and 8:30pm and you may only go to houses that have the porch lights on. I actually agree with the lights on issue for safety but in this town it just seems as if Halloween is dying. We don't even take the kids out here anymore and instead we drive to my parents house 30 minutes south. The oldest made a killing there the past few years but this year said he was just not interested in going out so instead we stayed home to hand out candy.

Our youngest is now bouncing off the walls. He figured out what the hub-bub is about right after the first trick or treaters came by and so mom took him to a few houses on our street. Next year he will be able to go out but this year he is just a bit too young to really understand it all so he is handing out the candy. Each time the bell rings he hauls for the front door with the bucket and he wants to be the one putting the candy in the bags. This year it is Mike & Ike's, Chewy Granola bars and Reeses Peanut butter covered peanuts (think Peanut M&M's)

I think I am thankful that the oldest did not want to go though as I am not sure my back would be up for that distance. Add to it the little guy who will not hold your hand for too long before trying to break free. My wife is not a big Halloween person and in the past I have basically had to drag her along. I wish my back were up for it though as Halloween has always been one of my favorite "holidays", especially when they are giving out Snickers® bars! YUMMY!

Since it is a "lazy" night this evening I am just sitting in the recliner blogging and listening to some tunes from my youth on Rhapsody. This is the last month I will keep them tough as I just found out that with my DSL subscription (SBC.com) I get the premium music channels from Yahoo Music, so there is no sense in paying the extra $10 a month for something I am getting already.

LOL! The doorbell just rang and when Mom ran off to answer the door Colm stole her piece of pizza. Hahahaha! He is as proud of himself as can be as he is cramming this piece down his throat. Ooops...there's the bell again so they are all off and running to the door. That kid is going to be tuckered out if they keep coming at this pace.

To PB- thanks for the call brother. I need to get better about calling you. Hope the kids had a good time trick or treating.

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