
Old injuries=New Pain?

I have learned to keep a bottle of Tums® somewhere near me as I seem to have more upset stomachs then normal. I try not to use them as I am always concerned that they may interfere with my medications but sometimes, like last night, they are a "lifesaver."

I was lying down watching TV and while I was not feeling well it was more of a general malaise then anything else, like a cold is setting in. Out of the blue I got that taste in my mouth, that one that precedes vomiting and which I unfortunately know all too well, and I found myself frantically looking for where I put them.

I popped the maximum dose of 4 and thankfully my stomach settled down quickly but for a second I was trying to determine which would be faster, making it to the bathroom to throw up or finding and taking the Tums®.

Between all that has been happening, the headaches, the bleeding, the back and the stomach I am almost convinced that there is something else going on with my body so I have made an appointment with my PCP.

My back has been hurting in some new places, straight up the middle of my back and much higher then it has been in the previous weeks. I would venture a guess that while the arachnoiditis is painful it is not the sole culprit as this new pain has advanced faster then I would suspect scar tissue would be able to grow. However I also have been diagnosed with DDD which I have not had looked at since the last MRI in August 2004. It would be possible for the DDD to have advanced or even something else such as a herniated disc to have happened. I suppose my doctor will want to go ahead and do some new x-rays or possibly another CT scan to see if there is anything new in the T-11 through the L3 area.

I am not so concerned about the DDD or even herniated discs right now. While I can tell that something is happening the current level of meds seems to be controlling it all fairly well. I told myself after my surgery in 2003 that I would do anything to avoid having to do that again.

Well, it looks like it is time for dinner so I will get back to this later on.

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