
A nap

I felt like I was floating on a cloud as I lay in bed. This afternoon I was feeling a bit tired so I took my meds and went to lay down. I adjusted the bed to a position that took the stress off my spine and then I turned on the massage, just to low, and it literally felt like I was floating on the softest of clouds.

Of course telling this to my wife she instantly retorts that it was the meds and not the bed that made me feel that way, but after the many months of these meds I am doubtful. Perhaps a combination of the two, time perfectly aligned for that one moment. Whatever it was I wish it were a nightly event, I slept more comfortably in those short hours then I have in some time.

Waking was not the worst, that would be having to leave the comfort. The only comparison is that cool winter morning where you have the entire bed to yourself. All the space, all the blankets and nothing in the world matters and the warmth and comfort unmatched by all but a mothers hug.

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