

Why are people so irresponsible with their firearms? Why do I have to keep reading about another poor child killed after finding mom or dad's .38 lying around the house? Having to listen to the parents on the news tell about how the gun was for home protection and so on. That's great, but why was it still on the nightstand at 4 in the afternoon? How come you did not lock it up when you got up in the morning? With hunting season upon us these senseless deaths seem to be increasing at an alarming rate.

I have had to read yet another story this week about a local boy who died after finding dad's gun lying on the night stand. These accidents do not discriminate either, they cross the racial and socio-economic lines without any concerns and they are all 100% preventable which makes them when they happen that much sadder.

I own weapons and I could not fathom leaving one just lying on the table for anyone who comes along to play with. Kids, especially toddlers, love to play with anything they can get their hands on, especially if it has moving parts. Older kids are also curious and while they have the ability to understand that guns are dangerous that is not what is on their mind when they pick it up. After all how dangerous could it really be if mom/dad left it lying on the table?

It is simple folks, KEEP YOUR FIREARMS LOCKED UP! It's funny (in a very sad pathetic way) that some people buy a gun to protect their family yet that very gun through their careless ways will be the cause of death for one of their family members. If that is what you call protecting your family I hate to see what your definition of loving you family is.

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