

Well I was "forced" into bed for all day yesterday. My wife took the day off to make sure I was ok as the ER doc told me to get a good rest for the next 24 hours after being released. I like having SOME time to myself but the whole day of lying in bed and watching TV sucks in my opinion. Perhaps when I was 10 and trying to avoid school for some reason it was fun but not anymore.

I do feel somewhat bad though as apparently in my stupor brought on by a combination of the meds and the headache I have been nothing but a pain in the ass for the last 2 days. I was told I have done nothing but complain about everything but I hardly recall most of it thanks mostly to the headache.

Right now I am frustrated over the lack of support my oldest seems to be giving to the household in general. I am tired of finding 3 knives in the sink after he makes his lunch for school. He actually uses 3 of them for his PB&J and then does not bother to rinse them nor do they make it to the dishwasher. Trashbags make it from the can but that does not mean they make it outside. Of course even if they do it is rarely to the trash cans rather they are left RIGHT OUTSIDE the door on the deck.

The problem is that my wife is up before I or the youngest are and when she goes downstairs she does not reset the alarm for me to be up before my oldest leaves for school. I appreciate the extra 30 minutes of sleep but I would rather get up before he goes to make sure his chores are done properly otherwise he skates by until after school and by that time I have become so frustrated that I end up finishing them, which he knows is going to happen. That shit stops today! I guess I will start bringing my watch up with me and set it's alarm.

I like my house to be neat, not spic and span but tidy and it is not happening because of things like the above. It is not because I do not want others to see a mess when they come over, I do not care. It is because I would like to live in my house and not have to smell the trash or have crap stick to me when I use the sink and so on.

Oh well, such is the life of a stay at home mom/dad I suppose. I need to run as my youngest has discovered a stack of magazines that are all now sans covers.

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