
I just read that Gerard Depardieu has decided to end his acting career. Of course I did not realize that he even had one.

He made like one movie in the states that was a minor hit?

It has been a LONG day for some reason. Not a long day like we have been traipsing all over God's creation but long as in it seems like someone stopped the clock and it started way too early for me. Now it is barely 17:30 and it seems like it is midnight. If this is what they call standard time I would prefer to go back to daylight savings.

I do not have a problem with Seasonal Affect Disorder and I enjoy the daylight ending early as that means the cool weather is here to stay. It is time to get cozy and settle in on the couch with my wife and watch the idiot box or maybe do some family indoor activities as it is too dark to go outside. Whatever we decided though this family seems to come even closer together in the fall/winter then the rest of the year.

My back is feeling ok today and my foot is doing well so in the grand scheme of things I am good to go. However my stomach has been somewhat upset this afternoon and even a few Tums® has failed to help settle it down. It looks like it may be time to get out the phenergan at bedtime, but only if the soy milk does not work. I have found that in many instances when all else fails my chocolate soy milk works quite well to settle my stomach. Yes, I said soy milk. I have found one brand that I really enjoy and even then I will only drink their chocolate (I drink the Light versions).

It can be a bit expensive but I really enjoy it versus regular milk (I have a problem drinking fluids from other animals) and when it comes to the nutritional value of soy versus milk, the soy I drink is lower in calories then many of the varieties of milk save Skim and even then they are dead even at about 90 calories per 8oz serving. However soy also has an advantage over regular milk that adds to the fact that it was not squeezed from an animal and that is it has some body to it. It is silky and that adds a dimension to drinking it that really makes it an enjoyable beverage.

Now there was a time where I would not drink soy either. I would only drink Almond milk but the problem was that it was not only more expensive then soy, when you live in redneck central and the nearest "big" town is 45 minutes away it is hard to find. How I started drinking the brand of soy that I do I cannot recall but we are able to find it at both the major grocery stores in town.

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