
I am home

Well yesterday just sucked to no end. Right after posting the last one I got a call from my ex-wife. My son Great Grandmother with whom he is very close is not doing well at all and was not expected to live through the afternoon. This lady is perhaps one of the few angels on earth. She has gone so far to make sure to send my youngest, who has no relation to her at all other then being the brother of her great grandson, gets presents for the holidays and his birthday. I ended up having to break the news to my son when he got home from school.

After getting the phone call I decided that I would wait until after my son got home from school to go to the ER. In the meantime I figured that I would try to get the youngest to take a nap and then I could lie down for a bit myself. Of course Murphy is always hanging around my house so the more I wanted him to lie down and nap the more intent he seemed on jumping back and forth from my bed to the big bed. 2 hours of that was about all I could handle so I brought him back down stairs to relax and watch whatever he felt like. I actually handed a 2 (almost 3) year old the remote and told him to have fun.

My wife picked up the oldest from school about 3pm and that was when I broke the news to him. This is the 3rd time this year that I have had to do a "death notification" and I am hoping that I never have to do that again. Of course at that time my son did not know about my situation and after telling him I went to go take some more pain meds and as I did the pain got worse then I have ever experienced. I lost my balance and ended up on the floor of the bathroom. The poor kid still trying to understand what I had just told him about his Grandmother when his father passes out on the floor. Thankfully he called his mom and she was home quicker then an ambulance would have been.

She took me to the ER where they brought me in and started me on Phenergan and Toradol as well as 2 IV's to replace what I had lost. I explained to the doctor what had been happening and how often it does and she decided they would do a new CT Scan of my head. I am glad that nothing abnormal showed up on the CT but then at the same time I am bummed because that means the headaches are being caused by something else and most likely are just something I am going to have to deal with.

So that leaves us back where we started, with headaches that pop up on a whim and seem to have no real relief. The good news is that for the first time a doctor wrote me a prescription for an anti-nausea medication which she said should really help with the disorientation and some of the other symptoms which if we can control then we are left with just the headaches. While they do suck I would say that the other symptoms (dis-orientation, vomiting/nausea, blurry vision etc...) really make it worse.

I do have to say when they gave me the Phenergan it knocked me on my butt. Thankfully I was lying on the gurney or I would have been on the floor. I remember the nurse asking me a bunch of questions and I was trying to answer them but the words were all garbled. That was some powerful stuff and it is the same anti-nausea medication that the doctor prescribed for me before I left the ER. If what she gave me is as powerful as the IB version I am going to have to be very careful when I take it. Of course the version I got is not given through an IV. In fact it is not taken orally either. EEK!

When they let me go last night I came straight home and went to sleep. I actually slept most of the time in the hospital as well so I got a good 14-15 hours of sleep since last evening which is why I am up at 6am and while I do feel better I am not quite 100% so my wife is going to take this morning off to make sure that I am good to go. While I am up I am also still quite tired. The only reason I am up is that even with the new bed lying down for that long is not comfortable, I needed to be able to sit up for a bit. I can also catch up on the Law & Order that I missed last night (Gotta love TiVo!)

I want to say thanks to everyone for their well wishes, it means a lot to me to know that you all care.

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