
They're here...

One problem with living in an older home with a fieldstone foundation is mice. A soon as the weather turns cold, and we have, they head indoors. Thankfully the problem is not as bad as last year when they had to fumigate the house across the street after those funky people moved out.

However I live by the rule of you're ok as long as you only find their droppings. However as soon as you see one of them roaming the house during daylight you have a problem. I have a BIG problem.

We saw one the other day and set out some humane traps. However after a few days and no luck I had to resort to a little more menacing trap and went for the glue traps. Voila, we caught one in the laundry room and while I am sure it was not the only one I figured I would leave some random traps out and we would be good to go.

Well for the last few days nothing has bothered the traps, no bait stolen or even touched and no footprints through the flour I put down to see where they might be coming from or at least going to. Then this evening my oldest said he saw one run under the couch.

Now in the laundry room I do not mind but when they "invade" the family areas while we are using them I have to pull out all the stops. So I set out another bunch of glue traps down the walls as well I set some of the new spring traps. They are pretty cool and while I prefer the humane traps (they don't make messes) these new spring ones might win me over. They kill the mouse but instead of "splat" it is enclosed in a circle that once they enter and try to take the bait it snaps shut on them as well as kills them. I set out 2 of those to see what happens and while I hope they work they are also more expensive at $4 a piece and not re-usable.

Anyway, if the traps remain empty for another 2 days it is time to head to the shelter and get a cat. We have had cat's before and I prefer cats (no worries about walking and all that jazz as well short vacations do not require kenelling) but my wife is allergic to them (highly) which means we have to fill her allergy meds which are $40 a month.

I know it is just $40 but when you add kitty liter, food (we only feed them Science Diet or Iams) and everything else it becomes $100 a month and right now that is a bit more then we really should spend. But then when you think of your health versus all the crap that mice can bring into your house you have to ask if you can really afford to not spend the money.

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