
Offered a new position...

My dad called me this morning asking what I could only think were rather weird questions.

I had been out grocery shopping with the boys and missed the first call but while we were putting the groceries up he called me back. When I told him that I had been at the store I got the "Oh, so you can drive?" of course I had to answer "Sure, if I am staying in town and keeping it to a few miles" and then it just went from there. He was asking me about my meds and when I take them and how they make me feel and so on and the whole time I am thinking "He is going to ask me to do something" but we just weren't getting that very fast. I mean it was like an Abbott and Costello routine.

We finally got through the questions and he told me that he has a client who is looking for an entry level programmer. Ah-ha! I would love to get in on the ground floor, while I do not talk about it much I do now how to code a bit in Visual Basic 6 and have been working on learning .NET which this position is using.

I mean I was ticked when I found that the job would be like a 45 minute drive s I would love to go for it. Especially when I found out what it was paying, my wife would be able to quit both her jobs and I would still be making about $5 an hour more then those 2 combined. I mean we were looking at a salary that would put us back where we were 2 years ago, which was quite comfortable.

Even though the job was only an initial 2 month contract to hire I am sure that at the end of the 2 months they would see that I could be a valuable asset and would make it permanent. My concern though is that would not be guaranteed and in order to take the position my wife would have to quit her main job, which she just started as well she really likes it.

I decided that I am going to enroll in some classes in the spring to learn more about .NET programming. Perhaps if I was feeling a bit more confident in my skills I would be jumping all over this. Sure, I would still need to figure out the driving thing but for that kind of money I am sure we would work something out.

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