
Tis the season

Well Thanksgiving is over and that means this weekend I will not feel bad for dragging out my Christmas decorations. Of course half my neighborhood was decorated by late last week, which reminds me, I need to get a picture of the White Trash Christmas house that is down the street from me. I kid you not, this has to be the tackiest, gaudiest job of decorating that I have ever seen and they do it every year. Two years ago they were renovating the house and that's right, they decorated the dumpster and the Bobcat front end loader.

"So what do you want for Christmas little boy?", the worst question to ask a 12 year old. Especially one that has had nothing but attitude and bad grades the whole year. The list is easily a page and a half, and of course I remember dreaming of all those toys when I was his age, and include toys that cost $500! WTH? Does he seriously think there is even a remote chance of those toys? I mean even if we could afford them I would have a serious issue with toys that cost that much. Top that off with his being Mr. Mouth with the bad grades... Worse is when his friends show up and they all have these things. "But Dad, so and so has one and his grades are worse then mine!" Yes, that is an actual comment. Of course he is going to his mothers for Christmas and then on to her mothers for a few days. I have no doubt they will send him back home with everything we have told him no about.

As for me, I am not picky and in fact I think I rather despise being asked "what do you want?" as it puts me in an awkward position. Do you tell them what is really on your mind or do you slough it off with the last thing you saw that was less then $30? Can't you just use your imagination? I mean anyone who is most likely going to buy me something knows my likes/dislikes and I am sure I would love whatever they grab, if they grab anything at all. Of course there is one thing I have had my eye on for the holidays and that is the Delphi XM2Go radio. No worries about a subscription I can handle that but these handhelds are great! They can be used with the headphones or you can use it in the car since it will work with the car radio. Of course it would work great with the gift I got last year, wireless speakers, which the transmitter plugs into a standard headphone jack.

We will just have to wait and see what Santa brings for me. In the meantime if I don't get the above perhaps someday 2 more people will sign up for and finish the requirements for my I-Pod on the left! That's right, just 2 more people to sign up for something and then I get my I-pod!!!

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