
Lazy days of fall...

I woke up this morning with a slight headache but this does not "feel" like one of my usual ones, more like someone has set loose a ping pong ball and it is just rattling around inside my head.

I took all my meds and hope that they start working soon but if not then it is off to the bedroom with some phenergan and the door shut to relax. Maybe put the massager on low and just lie down in bed for 30 minutes or so. Whatever it takes to get rid of this thing because we are going to my parents for dinner and my sister and her family will be there. I would like to not be in a "funk" while we are all together.

I also plan on stopping by Foozles which is a great book store. I am looking for some books on ASP.NET which I am working on learning. For those who may not know what it is, basically it is a way to develop more intricate web based applications. Foozles sells a lot of new/nearly new books for WELL below their cover price. Last trip I made there I saved close to $150 on 4 books which with tax cost me less then $10, for all of them. While the deals are not always that good you can generally get a $50 book for below $15.

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