
Pet Peeves

I got a phone call this morning from our youngest sons medical provider inquiring about which plan we would like him on. WTF? Which plan? Well that would be the plan we signed him up for when we sent in the paperwork.

Now the problem with the call was that this lady was either very soft spoken or was working with a crappy head set because I could barely hear her prompting me to continue to say "I'm sorry but I cannot hear you very well, could you please repeat that?" which was followed by her actually saying/asking "well then can I speak with your wife?" WTF?

I explain to her that she is coming through so low that I can not understand what she is saying and top that off she is asking me to make decision about my medical plan. I repeated myself several times letting her know that I could not hear her as well she was asking me to make a decision about a medical plan that I have no information on. I explained to her that I was not prepared to make a decision on the plan if I did not have the proper information on the difference between the plans and better yet I did not understand why I had to change our current plan at all. We have received nothing in the mail about this. Each time I said something she responded with one of my all time pet peeves... "uhmm..." Arrrrgh!

I sent my boys out of the room hoping that the background noise being gone would help but I was wrong. So I explained to her one final time what my situation was, that I could not hear her as well I was not willing to discuss this information without validating who she was or having a hard copy of it in front of me. If she wished for us to do something they would have to either email, fax or send us a copy of the paperwork on the plans. Of course that was met by the "uhmm..." so I told her that she would either just have to call me back with a better connection or give me their number and I would call them when I had time to find out what she was talking about.

Amazing, a 2 minute conversation that was more frustrating then trying to teach a blind man to dance.

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