
People can really suck some times...

I did not make it to the doctor the other day. I changed the appointment to this week as when I woke up I was in such pain that I had to take my breakthrough meds. Since I was going to have to do the driving I figured it was safer if I re-scheduled for another time. This time I made it for first thing in the morning so I should be home by 9 or 9:30. I can handle the pain for a bit like that but when the appointment is not until noon, no freaking way.

My wife had an Arbonne gathering here yesterday. My sister is an Arbonne consultant so she did the demonstration and all that jazz. However I am a bit pissed at my wife's co-workers, the same ones who drop off all their Mary Kay bullshit, Kid's school fundraiser's, Girl Scout Cookies and so on and then harp on you until you tell them to F*#k off or you buy something. The same women who told my wife that they would all be here yesterday. One of the reasons my wife invited them was because she was using something from Arbonne at work one day and they all commented on how they loved it but did not have a consultant.

So we spent the afternoon cleaning the entire house. You know, the cleaning your house only gets when complete strangers might be coming over. Dusting everything, cleaning all the windows inside and out, bathrooms top to bottom and so on. We then prepped some food, bought the beverages, made pots of coffee and whatever else people might want as we were expecting 10-12 people.

It was supposed to start at 4:30 and the first lady, a friend and co-worker of my wife's showed up and that was it. No one else showed and not one of them even bothered to call and say "sorry, my kid chopped his hand off and we can't make it", they just did not even bother. I think I was more pissed off then my wife because I saw how much effort and how excited she was to put everything all together. Sure, it is a "sales pitch" as it were but no one is forced to buy anything and they sit around doing things that women like to do, playing with makeup, giving each other facial scrubs and soaking their feet. The same damned ladies who practically begged my wife to host the event, the same ones who ask us to buy crap from them did not even have the common decency to call, even if it might be last minute and say, "sorry, I just cannot make it."

I guess my comfort in this whole thing is that the lady who did show up was more pissed about it then my wife and as she was leaving said that she would be giving them all the "whatfor" on Monday at work. I hope she guilt trips their asses into blowing their entire paychecks.

Now personally I do not like to attend any kind of "sales" shows like Pampered Chef, Longaberger and so on. I have an entire family who is into that, hell my mother makes a very comfortable living as a consultant for a direct sales company. However I have the decency when people invite me to one to let them know that I do not generally attend those shows (perhaps I have been to one to many in my day) but that I would like to see the catalogs. I do not buy so that they might "owe me one" later on, I buy because I found something I like/need and in the even that I do not find something I let them know that as well. I am just floored at how inconsiderate some people can truly be!

I will say this though, Arbonne makes this foot scrub that is kick ass. My wife, and this is a big reason I love her, gave me a foot bath and then a massage using the scrubby stuff. Now as someone who has a lot of problems with my feet due to the nerve damage I have to say that this stuff is awesome. My feet felt so much better after she was done with them.

One thing I think I am going to try is getting a massage. One of the wives of the attorney's my wife works with is a therapeutic masseuse. She is also the mother of one of my sons classmates. Anyway, I thought perhaps I might give that a try to see if increased blood flow to the lower back and legs helps with some of the pain. I know some people have had great success with this and even though I have tried it once before I think perhaps it is the technique that was used that I had a problem with (I did not know they have different techniques).

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