
Bird Flu vaccine?

So last year there was a shortage of vaccine after one of the largest manufacturers and one of the very few allowed to make it for the US, had some issues that led to contaminated vaccines. That meant a huge shortage for people here in the US and now this year it is happening again!

That's right, the same company that had the problems last year is claiming that they are way behind in production of this years batches because of their problems from last year? WTF?

They had 1 year to get ready for this season and in that time if they thought they would not make it then they had a responsibility to alert the government long before they have done so.

I had a list of 4 places in my area that were offering flu shots for either free or reasonable rates. Since my wife works with the general public she gets hers through work but the boys and I are left to fend for ourselves, so I started to go around to the places that were listed only to find signs stating they had no vaccines. Not that they had a shortage or even that I was late and they were out but that they had none what so ever.

I figured since that was happening then perhaps I should bite the bullet and pay the higher fees that some of the other places were asking. Guess what? They do not have any either.

This is a complete crock of shit. I have traveled or called the greater metro area, that is an area that houses somewhere about 1.5 million people and either none of them have any or they are so short they have had to restrict who they will give it to.

What the hell has our government been doing for the past year? Why have they not allowed more companies to produce the vaccines? How complacent can they be when it comes to this? I am very pissed off that they have allowed this to happen, especially in the wake of a strain of flu that could rival the flu pandemic of 1918.

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