
My back and legs have been killing me and I have not had a chance to sit down yet.

Tomorrow is "Thanksgiving" at my brothers house so I volunteered to bake something to help my sister in law get out of the kitchen that much earlier. Nothing worse then entertaining and being stuck in the kitchen the whole time. So I spent this afternoon putting together and baking a pumpkin cheesecake to shake things up a bit. Of course it called for making a base like meringue and I had to beat that by hand, which if you have never done is not a chore you would want to do all the time.

Anyway, the cheesecake is in the oven baking away and I am hoping that it all goes well or I will be up bright and early to make my triple chocolate bundt cake.

I went with the cheesecake as I thought shaking it up a bit would be nice but I thought it should still have that "Holiday" flair so I made it with pumpkin. It is also low fat, much LOWER then your normal cheesecake and it is all done without sacrificing any of that rich creamy flavor you expect from a cheesecake, hopefully!

Standing on my feet for the evening is killing me. It feels like I am holding the world all on my lower back and I am SO looking forward to my bed tonight. To feel that massage feature aid the blood supply back into my aching back and legs will feel so good. Sometimes it just lulls you into a blissful place that you hate to turn it off and come back to reality. The second it is switched off though that is exactly what happens and within minutes that pain is back.

Time to relax now. I have some reading I would like to do as my new ASP.NET book arrived today and I am looking forward to getting in to it. Yup, I am a nerd. I read ocmputer programming language books for fun and I even almost understand them.

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