

I had my doctors appointment this morning and after having to sleep downstairs with the dog to keep him calm, I was dead to the world at 6am when I needed to be up. I have not been up that early on purpose in some time, probably years.

The forecast called for showers turning into flurries in the afternoon and as usual the meteorologists got it all wrong. What they really meant was heavy snow with some ice and winds. The drive to the doctors office took me close to an hour and a half instead of the usual 45 minutes or so and the whole way was alternating snow and ice.

The doctor was late getting there and I ended up waiting close to an hour and a half longer then I thought I would be there just to get in but the visit went really well. We talked about my ER visits since my last visit with him as well as the trouble sleeping. To help combat the headaches we increased the dose on my inderal and to help with the sleep problem he added Restoril, which is Temazepam, a drug in the Benzodiazepine class of drugs which includes Valium. I was hoping he would go with something along that line as I had good success with it a few years ago after surgery. I was able to get some rest without feeling like I had been run over by a truck.

The drive home was worse then the drive there, the snow chunks (not flakes), were alternating with blinding rain for the entire drive home. Since I went by myself I was not too worried but since I did drive myself I was not able to take any of my meds until I got home. Since my appointment was for 8:15 the plan would have had me getting home right at med time. However, since the doc was a bit late I did not even get in the office until I believe closer to 10 and then not home until 11:30ish.

I am glad the appointment went well though because as I said before anytime I ask for a med change or to add something to the medications I am already on I get worried. You really do not know how the doctor will look at that, how they will perceive your requests for certain meds. To ask a doctor to add something to help you sleep or to increase your pain med dosage is difficult no doubt. Thankfully I have a great doctor who I have developed a good raport with so when we discuss my health he knows I am not just "asking".

Well it is time to give the youngest a nap.

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