
A small donation and an old friend...

The last few days have gone by slowly. Not sure why, perhaps it is the change back to standard time.

I got a nice letter from my sons school today, totally unexpected. Usually the only things I get from them are from the Sisters (it is a Catholic school) letting me know how much trouble my son is in or how he is not doing his work. Nope, instead this was them letting me know that someone has donated my sons tuition, or at least a substantial portion of it. I was floored.

It is no secret that financially things have not been going well here. With social security taking forever (we are on an appeal) and no income from my end and my wife having to work 2 jobs just to cover the bills, things have been tight. Thankfully the school has been great and has allowed me to design and develop their website on lieu of a portion of the tuition because without that he would have to go back to public school.

Now with someone donating towards his tuition that should leave us with very little if any to pay. It was one of the things I have been sweating for some time and now it means I can sleep a little easier.

In other news...

My sons good friend is spending the night. He is a good kid, the same one who spent a lot of time with us while his ad was fighting the war in Afghanistan. When his dad got back from the war they moved about a half hour away, not too far but far enough that with their busy schedule and ours it has been tough to get the boys together. Apparently he was in town visiting his grandparents and they dropped him off to play for a bit.

The back has been a bit out of sorts lately. It really feels like the arachnoiditis or perhaps the degenerative disc disease is affecting me a bit higher then normal. Generally the pain, or the worst of it, is centered in the small of the back. The last few weeks it has been in the center of my back, right where the muscles run and that causes some wicked spasms. I have had to pop robaxin a lot more then normal to help with those. A fill (180 pills) normally lasts me 4-5 months easily but this last fill was more like 2. I prefer to not have to pop them all as they affect all your muscles and after a few weeks you literally feel like a limp noodle.

Time to make some dinner for the boys. They are in the middle of destroying the kitchen for Ramen (I told you we were broke!) so perhaps I should intervene.

Some more later....

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