
We just got the word that my sons great grandmother has passed away.

I know, most people are not close to their great grandmother or perhaps their great grandparents passed away before they were born or when they were too young to understand. Well, after my divorce and my ex-wife had custody of my son for a few years his great grandparents lived with them. Now my former spouse had ulterior motives, as she usually had but that does not matter. It meant that my son was basically spending more time with Viola then he was with his own mother.

After I got custody of him she always made sure to call him at least once a week, she always sent him care packages, birthday presents and so on. She did more for him then his own mother did, hell she called him more then his own mother. When our youngest was born Viola would always include things for him in the care packages as well she would send him birthday and Christmas gifts. She treated him as if he were her own grandchild .

Viola apparently feel ill a few weeks ago, out of the blue. I got a call from my former wife letting me know they had taken her to the hospital and she was not doing well. I guess at some point they tried to take her off her medications or change them and she fell into a coma. They were not optimistic she would survive that day let alone that week but she started to show signs of improvement a few days later and they were able to remove her from the respirator and then a few days later the feeding tube.

The last word we got was that she was improving to the point she would be moved to a managed care facility but she would most likely never be well enough to live on her own again. Truly sad for such a woman who has always been very independent as well her husband is still living and would need to be there.

We prayed for her and we have thought about her and were very happy to hear that she had been doing better. It was to the point that while we continued to pray for her it was no longer for a "recovery" but more for her to maintain. So when I got the call this evening that she had passed away, I was floored.

Rest In Peace Viola.

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