
Still here...

Like most of the midwest, here in Kansas City it has been bitterly cold. I think this is as cold as I have seen it this early in my ten years or so of living here and topping it off we had some snow.

The snow was nothing major in my area, perhaps an inch or so, but for the time the snow was falling it was coming down with near hurricane winds which made seeing difficult. Of course we were out driving around I-435 trying to get down to Metcalf for an appointment and we could not see squat. What I love though is all those idiots who still drive like they are on the NASCAR track, doing 75 and weaving in and out of traffic.

The reason we were out is to visit with some lawyers and pick one to handle my disability case with Social Security. I have to say that I talked to quite a few lawyers before I found one that I was comfortable enough with to sign on the line. At first during our conversation I felt like taking all my papers, telling him to kiss my ass and move on to the next one. However he quickly made some comments that made me feel very confident in his ability as well as his enthusiasm for the case and I decided to finish out the meeting before I decided.

I filled out all the paperwork he needed to "retain" his services and he has filed the initial appeal papers so that the clock stops running for us and we can jump through the next set of hoops.

I am relieved to have an attorney handling this aspect of the appeal as well as relieved that we are moving forward rather then just refilling and starting all over again. However we have an uphill battle to fight and while I do not agree with the way the government likes to play this game I guess I have to deal with it if I want a decent shot at my hearing.

We also needed to find the boys some new winter coats. We had one for Colm that fit just a few weeks ago but when we put it on him the sleeves were a good 1/2" above his wrists. Since he needed a coat we figured we would hit the Old Navy down by my appointment to keep from having to drive all over Kansas City. Of course Deb found one and as she were paying and leaving the lady behind her actually commented about how "perhaps your son would like to wear that coat right now?" referring to how cold it was outside. Now we are not about to let our children go out in the freezing cold and while he may not have looked like it, he was indeed bundled up nice and toasty with several layers as well as a watch cap (knit pullover winter hat). I wish I could have been there to hear Deb tell her off. Seriously, where do some people get off??? If it was that bad and we needed a coat then he would have stayed home while one of us went out. Doi!

The rest of the time I have been working on the school website. They finally secured the domain name and server space so I had to upload all the files and test it for proper functioning. Of course as soon as it was "live" the school was emailing me all kinds of requests to change this that and the other thing. Easy fixes but they have had access to it the whole time I have been working on it and they certainly could have mentioned those fixes before I uploaded them. If this was a small site it would have been easier but it is 30 or so main pages right now and growing as well it has several databases that it will be running off of when I am done, so any change has to be made not just on 1 or 2 pages but every single one of them.

I did get a nice email from the school today asking me if I would like to take over all their websites, which is 4 right now. The kids from the High School have been working on that site but the Board of directors would like all the sites to have the same look and feel which is easier done if the same person/people are doing it.

I am ecstatic that they have that much confidence in my abilities and would very much like to take the position but I have to work out some details with them. When I took on the elementary school site it was in exchange for my sons tuition, or a big chunk of it. Now I am working on all their sites which if done in the private sector would be worth a lot more then the tuition. I am not greedy but this is going to be a lot of work and if I take on the task I am going to have to put aside several other projects that I have taken on which do pay.

I also am curious as to how it will work if the kids are doing some of the work but I am the Project Manager. Does that mean I would need to be at the school at a certain time for a specific period of time? If so then that too is a bit beyond volunteer. Of course since this is a private school there is no need for a teaching certificate to work with the kids in a capacity like this, and to tell the truth I would find it pretty cool working with the kids.

Yes, I am just babbling on now. My mind is actually a million places at once and no thought is consistant at this point. If I was 10 they would put me on Ritalin and give me detention. I guess for now I will have to just get some rest and start all over tomorrow.

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