
The weekend it here!

Sorry I have not been keeping up with this for the last few days. I have been fighting off this cold which seems to be more then I thought it was, more like a respiratory infection and I have been dealing with what is chunks of phlegm. I found Robitussen CF has no alcohol or anything like that in it so I can take it with my other meds.

Nothing really new here. Just trying to figure out how to get through Christmas with everything we have going on between know and then. My aunt will be here this week from Long Island, then we have 4 birthdays one on December 20, my youngest sons is the 21st, my dad is Christmas Day and my brother in law is the 26th and then New Years eve is my wife's and my anniversary. While each is easily manageable when you put it all together within that time frame it becomes a force to be reckoned with.

The back is ok, the cold weather we have been dealing with though sucks. The colder it gets the more I can feel the pain. Oddly enough this is the second fall/winter where when it has been as cold as it is that I swear I can feel the screws and rods in my back. Almost like they have absorbed the coldness and I can feel the cold metal pressing up against the muscles surrounding them. It does not hurt but it is quite odd. If you have ever grabbed a cold railing it is much like that only from the inside.

The pain that has been creeping up my back seems to have stopped, for know, at about the middle of the back. I was hoping that the numbness that came with it would go away even if just for a bit but it is still there. The good news is that I have now been numb long enough that I really do not notice it as much as when it started going numb. Yes, that does not make any sense, LOL!

I have been on medication for the numbness before, generally an anti-seizure med like Neurontin but I found that it had serious side effects. In fact I found out some very interesting information about Neurontin while I was looking up more information about it on the web. While I was on it I would become either very depressed or very angry with no real reasoning, complete mood swings that I did not have before.

Those experiences with that one medication have made me quite leary of taking any other kinds of anti-seizure medications unless absolutely needed. Of course I then found out that Neurontin is one of the largest drugs prescribed for what is called "off label" prescriptions, or non-FDA approved applications. Neurontin has been the subject of a multi-million dollar class action suit in which it ended up shelling out $430 million dollars to settle. The pathetic thing is that they paid such a large sum but it was a drop in the bucket compared to the close to $3billion they made annually off it's sales.

So for me that means unless they have some other way of dealing with the numbness I am stuck with it.

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