

Well last night Colm starting vomiting out of the blue and has very bad diarrhea so he spent today trying to get him to eat toast and drink pedialyte. He seems to be doing better but he fell asleep for the evening at 6pm so it is going to be an early morning.

Now I am feeling whatever he had and am myself running 102 right now. Thankfully he was only running a slight fever last night and was mostly normal today in that respect. I hate it when my poor guy is sick. It is so rare, this is only the 2nd time I can think of where it came out of the blue and of course he did not vomit until after he drank the fruit punch. Red puke on light blue carpet is always fun. Thankfully we have a steam cleaner.

I am going to hit the hay as I have taken my sleeping pill but not before text messaging Deb to bring me home something to eat. Sadly the kitchen at work is closed because I was looking forward to some pasta with meatballs or perhaps their Gorgonzola sauce I had the other day. Yum!

I will be back in the morning.

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