
Who the heck is this guy?

It is a winter wonderland here with close to 10" of snow across most of the area but we are currently at -1°fahrenheit which is a bit better then the over night low of -8°. Of course this is the exact opposite of what happens in about 6 months from now when we are 90°'s and 100% humidity and I am hobbling around.

The last few days have been tough to get online or even get the computer as my son has been home from school and my wife has been off from work. I have not had my usual just me and Colm time and while I don't mind sharing the computer my wife was hogging it. Of course she used the premise that she was fine tuning her resume (more on that later on) but after about an hour I became suspicious and peeked over to see her playing a game. Oh, ok I see how this is going to be. It has been literally a good 2 days since I have been able to get on the computer let alone online.

My aunt was unable to come up for dinner the other night due to the weather. While we were still getting a good amount of snow causing a lot of problems on the road, including a 17 car accident involving 4 semi tractor trailers just down the road from my house. Of course that same spot has been the scene of many similar accidents through the years when we have snow like this. You figure the state would figure that out and do something to mitigate if not flat out prevent them from continuing to occur. Since there were so many problems on area roads/freeways they started to shut down some of the roads coming up North including the main road coming from my parents house to my house.

My aunt was able to make it out yesterday afternoon for a small bit to see us. I wish we had more time to sit and visit but she needed to get out to my sisters house for dinner and then her flight was heading back to Long Island at 4 this morning (WAY TO EARLY!).

Of course the boys were all to anxious to show off for her, both vying for her attention in their own way. My oldest pulling out his little kit bag of magic tricks and the youngest turning on the charm and continually asking to be hugged and kissed. Who can resist a toddler saying, "I need a big hug and kiss"? She was going in circles with them and trying to make sure they both got their fair share of attention.

However the piece de resistance was when one of my mothers associates husband invited himself in for tea. That's right, just came on in, took off his shoes and made himself at home.

My mother has a business associate who lives in my town and had borrowed a few items. Instead of having her drive all the way back to my mothers house to return them she let her know she would be here and that she could just drop them off in her mini-van during the lunch hour.

Well this woman sent her husband to run the task and while I have met him previously, that was about a year ago at my mothers house and was just in passing. A very brief introduction and nothing since then. However after he unloaded the car he just made his way back inside and grabbed himself a cup of tea like he was an old friend.

Perhaps if this had not been the only time in almost 10 years I have had to visit with my Aunt I would not be so critical but it was so I am. I was astounded at his lack of social awareness as well as the fact that he seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he was intruding on our day.

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