

When I was a kid tonight was as I imagine it was and is for all kids, a tough night to get to sleep. The curiousity of what Santa might bring was far to much to allow you to just fall right into slumber. In 35 years nothing has really changed. I know that Santa does not bring me presents anymore, my wife told me last year, but the ancticipation of my whole family being together for the day, no one having to rush off to give the kids a nap, or run out to work the night shift and so on. A day for everyone to relax at my parents house and just catch up on the year.

My wife, who I truly believe is my angel, worked some long hard hours the last few days to have some extra money to do the Christmas shopping for the boys. I know she must be quite tired from those long days and while I did not have much to give her I did the best that I could. Tonight I made sure that our youngest was asleep by the time she got home. I know she missed the time with him but she wants to wrap his presents tonight as well she needs to still eat her dinner and relax from the last few days. I thought it would be nice to have him in bed and let her just have free run of the house, no kids tearing through the place, free run of the remote for the TV and some quiet time to herself to unwind from a busy week at work.

I am not sure what she had the boys get for me but I kind of had to lie to her about what the boys bought for her. I can't go into much detail here because she might read this after I am asleep but it took some doing and planning between my mother, myself and my sister to pull it off. So that things would not look suspicious I had to have them pick it up for me and pay for it up front and they will have it for her tomorrow when we get to my parents house. Needless to say this is something she VERY MUCH has been wanting and something she really deserves. For everything she has done for us through the years it was one of the few things that I could think of that might express how grateful we are to her. Tomorrow I will explain what it is and why I had to lie, just know that it was not a "bad" lie.

I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas as well let us not forget that tomorrow also begins Chanukah, so a Happy Chanukah as well.

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