
Some Christmas pictures

Here are some pictures from Christmas day.

The first one is my youngest and the look on his face was just to classic.

The next one is my wife holding my youngest nephew, my brothers little boy, while we were at my folks house. She was holding him every chance she got until I reminded her that 1-we agreed that we were not having any more and 2- even if we wanted another one my condition prevents that from happening.

This one is my wife, still holding my nephew, sitting by my dad and opening her present from our sons. This was the Arbonne package that she had been wanting.

And just one more for this iteration, my youngest son, my brother and his little girl. My brother and his daughter (who is VERY much daddy's little girl) were lying down watching "Polar Express" when my youngest decided to join them. Pretty soon they were all dozing off in the middle of the floor.

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