
More snow?

I have been dealing with the freaking cold for the past few days so I have not been keen on being online. It would mean having to get out from under the blankets to type and that's not happening as long as we stay this cold!

We add to the top of the cold the snow. Last week we got 1/2 our annual snowfall in one day. This weekend we repeated that feat but thankfully most of the snow from the previous week had melted. It has been hellish on the roads though and my wife has forbidden me from leaving the house lest I slip as everything is pure ice.

Then we have to deal with the windshield. We were waiting until the weather cleared to get it replaced because it had a small crack. Of course with the freezing cold that small crack is now the entire lower half of the windshield and what would have been an easy task now means involving the insurance company. Thankfully we only have a $100 deductible on the new policy because the estimate has the repair at about $500 or so.

Now that Christmas is at my parents house my wife and I are planning on just sleeping late. Since the oldest is going to be with his mother there is no need to be up early to open gifts. The other 'nice' thing is that our youngest who will be 3 on Wednesday is not all that into gifts, yet. Not to sound cheap but with only a little bit of money for Christmas for everyone we have to plan everything. I have 2 nephews and a niece we have to buy for as well as my sons.

My parents though did call the other day and tell me I would be in a huge pile if I bought them anything. They know money is tight but how am I supposed to feel about that? Here I am at 35 feeling like I am 10 again, no money and still need to buy mom and dad something nice. Top that off with Christmas day is my fathers birthday.

Being that is the way things are right now I have come up with something else. It will let me give them something nice and not have to spend a ton of money, right now anyway. We are making a calendar for my parents, each month will have a picture of my family and then I will make sure all the important dates are noted. We will also include a day each month where we will do something for my parents, whether that be come down and make them breakfast/lunch/dinner, or take them out etc... I can make the calendar online and print it to the local Kinko's for about $20. Of course they then have a "family day" each month that we will plan. I will add some stuff like going to the zoo, maybe a family movie day or amusement park or something. I still need to figure out something for dad's birthday though.

edit: I love Bloggers dictionary. It generally has some funny assed suggestions for words it does not already have in it's memory, which by the way includes the words Blog and Blogger. You would think that a company called Blogger would include itself in the online dictionary. It also thinks my sons name is Colon and Kinko's should be Kinkajou.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you can go visit your dad and just sit with him, talk, and watch a game with him. as a parent, you and i both know that it would probably mean more to him than if you bought him a new truck. now that my dad passed away, i'd give almost anything in the world to be able to do that with him - even once more. i love your other ideas. just remember that the gift is in the giving of onesself - not the actual gift. also, maybe you can ride sideways in the back of your taurus and be more comfortable on your way to the doctor? hang in there brother.