
Seeing the doc tomorrow...

Hum Drum day. I spent most of it trying to fix the website I am working on but sometimes you can be too close to the project when there is a problem. That in mind I decided to call it quits after about 5 hours of looking at the screen.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I want to talk to him about the pain being higher then the last few months. I am hoping that he will let me get another MRI, since I have a PPO I can get by with just a prescription. After that I can set it up with the place by my house and just walk on over. I know, I hate MRI's but I need to get this done so I can have it for my Social Security appeal as well I am curious to see what else is going on.

I am also going to ask him to switch some of the meds around. While the adjustable bed does work well and has seriously reduced the number of nights I have trouble getting some sleep there are still 2-3 nights a week that I have trouble. It makes for very LONG days when that happens as they tend to be the days when my youngest is up bright and early. Being well rested makes a very big difference in the pain levels too which is why I am big on getting a good nights rest.

I am always anxious about going to the doctor when I am going to ask for a med change or to add something to the litany of pills I am already on. While I have a legitimate need for the meds I am on and for what I might talk to the doctor about, I don't want to seem like I am a hypochondriac.

Until tomorrow...

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