
Early to bed...

I crashed early and hard last night and I am not happy about it. That means the one night this week my wife and I had some time to just sit and relax and I was out by 8pm. I missed the time with my wife and I missed Law and Order.

I took my pain meds at about 7pm after we ate dinner and by 7:30 I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. Now normally I would just doze in the recliner but the boys were still up and I did not want them to have to be quiet on my account, so I excused myself and headed up stairs. Now when my TV switched on and turned to 41 for Law and Order it woke me up, but I did not make it through the opening scene as the next thing I know my wife was telling me it was 6:30am.

This morning though I am feeling quite refreshed and have a ton of work to do on some projects. I made Colm his breakfast and got Max squared away and then sat down with my cup of Coffee. No sooner did I turn around to grab the laptop and I hear the slurp, slurp, slurp of Max drinking something only we are no where near his water bowl. Nope, he is drinking my coffee straight from the cup.

Thankfully my coffee is not 100% leaded. I blend it about 3/4 decaf and 1/4 caffeine as it does not seem to wreak havoc with my CNS that way. Nothing worse then "tweaking" from your coffee because you have a host of other CNS problems.

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