
Well we are making some progress with Max and the house breaking even only after 2 nights. Thankfully we also own an upright steam cleaner and handheld spot cleaner or we would be having the carpet cleaned every day.

He is a good dog and I think we have all grown quite fond of him in the short time he has been here. He is a well behaved dog for being a puppy and he is a good looking and stout dog as well. I think he is going to make a great addition to the family.

Of course it took him some time to get used to going up/down the deck stairs to get to the yard but as soon as he figured that out he was all about getting down and running around. Of course that means those little freaking mutts from next door do nothing but bark when he is out. Of course they do nothing but bark when anyone is outside. Maybe Max will get tired of them and have them for a snack!

The dog has been playing with the boys non-stop and they all seem to be having a blast, especially my youngest who thought he was a dog long before Max showed up. He would crawly around the house, pant and bark at us and so on. Now he has a friend to do this with and it is a riot watching he and the dog run around the house.

Max is a "chewer" and I lost all my new magazines before I even got to read them which ticked me off. Right now he is playing tug of war with Colm. Colm took the towel from the back door and went to throw it in the laundry and as soon as he did that Max grabbed the other end of it and started tugging. We bought Max some toys but he seems to like towels, books and shoes much better. I have a few tricks to help cure him of that though.

This morning I got some pictures of the two of them, after running around they decided to lay down and rest on the kitchen floor. We are fine with Colm playing like that but we will draw the line at butt/crotch sniffing and/or eating from the dog bowls.

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