
Dinner and family...

Yes, it was a LOWFAT cheesecake! Almost everything I make is lower in fat/calories but I have spent the time looking for the right recipes to make sure they do not taste like that. Check out Cooking Light magazine for some cool ideas. You have to remember, while the holidays should be about guilt free caloric intake it is difficult for me. Losing any extra weight for me would be difficult so I watch what I eat much closer then I used to. I promise you though that I do not do it at the sacrifice of great flavor.

Dinner at my brothers house was nice. It was good to see them and my nephew and niece as well as watch all the kids play together. Of course the funny comment of the evening was when my niece kept calling my brother, only she was calling him "Daddy" so my son decided he needed to correct her. He walked over to her and said, "No, that's not daddy, that's Uncle Artie." The two of them were like that all night depending on who was asking what but they played together very well for not seeing each other all the time.

I did feel bad for my sister in law though as my nephew spent the evening throwing up. The poor little guy, he is about 7 months old and it seems he caught a stomach virus or what have you from his baby sitters son. The poor kid, I felt so bad for him. My mother sat and fed him (I think we were all actually arguing over who got to feed him) some peaches and no sooner was he done then they came back up. Thankfully this morning though he is feeling better according to my sister in law.

While I was in some pain it was not too bad, well worth getting out to see my family. I only wish my brother and I lived closer together. I would have to say that he and I were closer growing up as we are only 2 years apart. Many of our childhood friends are the same and had we stayed in the same neighborhood through college I have no doubt we would probably have gone to school together and now work either in related fields or possibly at the same company. Funny how life happens while your doing other things.

I realized last night that December is a 3 paycheck month for my wife. That means we will have Christmas after all! I was starting to worry about presents for the boys as most of our money will be spent trying to get our oldest too and from his moms for the holidays. Now it will not have to be that way.

I already have our trees. That's right, I said trees. I set up what has become known through my family and friends as the Christmas tree forest. It started with a set of 3 trees, 2',3' & 4' that I got on sale a few years ago. I threw some lights on them and set them around the big tree and then one year we just stopped adding the big tree and buying a small tree to add to the collection. Now we have 6 trees in various sizes from 1' to 5' and will continue to add until I feel it is perfect. Each tree is then decorated a bit differently, allowing each person to have "their" tree they can decorate. It is much easier then everyone fighting over the big tree and what is going where. We also set them on some folding tables which we cover with some holiday related sheets/table clothes allowing for a fuller appearance. I might add 3 or so trees this year if I can find them on sale before Christmas but if not I will be able to find them afterwards (the best time to go decoration shopping!).

Ok, enough of the sappy crap. I am just hoping to give the boys a Christmas like I remember having as a kid. Of course an I-Pod would be nice!!! All this time it has been sitting on this page, 15 people have signed up but only 3 have completed the offer. Oh how it would be cool to have that I-Pod!!! LOL!

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