
A new bed

A monster headache sent me scrambling for a quiet room last night. I took my meds and opened the window as it was so nice out and then I crawled into bed and slept.

It was one of those that has sent me to the ER before but I was not in the mood to deal with them last night and having MUCH stronger meds then I used to it was easier to get some rest then previous times.

Some good news. One of the ladies my wife works with has an adjustable hospital style bed they are going to let me have. It had been purchased for her father but after he passed away they put it in storage where it has sat ever since. As well her mom really wanted to make sure the bed was going to someone who truly had a need for it.

When they heard about my back problems and how tough a time I was having getting to sleep they offered us the bed. At first they had asked for some money but it was going to take us a few weeks to save what they wanted. When my wife told her we were interested and if they could wait a bit she said don't worry about it they would let us have it for what it would cost her to get it back to town (it is about 70 miles away).

I believe my wife said they might have it back here this weekend. I am so grateful that they are doing this as it means I will be able to get a real nights sleep or at a minimum be able to take the pressure off my spine when I lay down by raising my knees and head. I am SO looking forward to this!

While the stronger meds have certainly been helping me get some sleep they do not keep you from waking when they wear off nor do they keep you from waking in utter pain. Your body feeling like it badly needs to be pulled back into position, you cannot move your back and limbs easily in the morning. I have learned to keep a small container of my meds by the bedside so that when I first wake I can take a dose of my fast acting meds and usually within a bit I can hobble down the stairs.

Once I get my first dose of meds taken care of and the pain starts to wan I am generally ok for the day provided I do not try anything "stupid." But seeing how I am me that is almost everything I do!

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