
Tagged, finally

Ok, Bridget from Seeking Sanity tagged me a few days ago and here it is!

7 Things that scare me:

Losing my children
Losing my wife
My children being hurt
My wife being hurt
My wife's driving skills (or lack of!)
Having to have another back surgery
Having to find another doctor

7 Things I like:

Brewing beer
Playing around with HTML/CSS & ASP
Playing with my kids
Going to the range with my buddies
Watching TV
Playing PS2

7 Things in my room:

My PS2
My very comfortable down comforter
My super comfortable feather bed
My books
All my extra computer parts

7 random facts about ME:

I was born on a military base
I had braces as a kid
I was a bounty hunter for several years
I worked as a craps and poker dealer for a casino
I have a "Long Island" accent
I was a Boy Scout and an Altar boy
I used to run a mile in under 5 minutes

7 Things I plan to do before I die:

Watch my children become successful
Get my PhD in History
Finish decorating our house
Spoil my grandchildren
Make sure my family will be taken care of
Be as old as possible!

7 things I can do:

Write HTML & CSS(although not an expert)
Brew beer
Deal poker, Hold-Em, Razz, 7-Stud, Omaha (Hi-Lo as well). Having dealt it in the casino I learned all the ins and outs.
Fix computers/electronics
Roll my eyes in opposite directions at the same time!

7 things I can not or will not do:

compromise my integrity/principles
Fail to care for my family
Skydive (only because of my back though)
Go hunting
Run (again a back issue)
Speed! I refuse to drive faster then the speed limit any more.
Be unfaithful to my wife or my family.

7 Things I say the most:

So what's the problem?
Do you know what you're talking about?
WTF is wrong with you?
And you know this how?
I love you. (To my wife)
Go to your room (To my oldest son)
Stop jumping on the furniture! (To my youngest son)

7 Celebrity crushes:(These are not in any order!)

Charlize Theron
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jill Hennessy
Angelina Jolie
Ashley Judd
Helen Hunt
Halle Berry

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