
Where's my stash?

The summer is fighting to maintain it's grip on us here. We are still climbing in to the 90's during the day but dropping down to a cool 70 at night. Perhaps another week and it will be time to have the windows open for a bit before it is too cold! I love being able to air out the house and take my afternoon naps with the fresh air of the Midwest plains.

Of course with the cold weather comes out the feather bed and my down comforter! They were wedding gifts from my parents and make the bed perfectly comfortable on the cold winter nights. The only problem is that until it is cold enough it is just to warm for them as well this winter they will help stave off the cold even better as we crank the heater down even lower in hopes of not going broke trying to pay the fuel bill. It is bad enough right now at $60 a month when it used to be about $25 this time of the year.

I ran out of my meds yesterday but prior to going to the winery my wife had told me she would drop off my prescriptions as I would need them this morning. Well I did not have a second thought about it and went about my business until this morning when I woke up, in pain no less, and came down to take my morning dose. Except there were no meds to be found, ANYWHERE. Of course this is the morning that my wife also had to drive into the city to finish some business down there. Right in the middle of my frantic search she called to let me know she had made it safely, so I asked about my meds thinking perhaps she left them in the car or her backpack. I was hoping but I was wrong, she had not dropped them off at all! EGADS! I was left with no meds, the kids and no transportation to haul all 3 of us to the pharmacy. Of course this was about 8am and she would not be back until about 1pm. Thankfully I had my breakthrough meds and while a full dose is a buttkicker there was no way I was going to make it until 1 without my primary meds unless I did so. Obviously I made it,but this is a prime example of why I prefer to have a "stash" of my major meds.

I am really looking forward to my wife being home during the evenings now. While she will still be working part time at a local restaurant to help with some bills we both agreed that she will not work more then 2 nights a week and Friday and Saturday are out of the picture.

This is a great time to bring back some family habits that got pushed aside with her last job, like eating as a family or even eating at the dining room table. While I enjoy eating in front of the idiot box on occasion I just think it is not something we should be doing everynight. I am also looking forward to perhaps having a night or two to play some family games especially with our youngest being old enough to play some of the simpler games like Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.

I want to find some books on VBScript and C# so tomorrow we are going to head to Barnes & Noble and make it a family trip kind of thing. Since my oldest has been doing ok in school (although he is still the quintessential smart ass) I thought we might find a book he has been looking for as the library does not have it nor do any of their lending branches.

The youngest is also starting to read a lot more or should I say he loves having his books read to him and while he has a ton of books I find myself reading the same ones over and over again. My wife and I were talking over which ones we should get so I was thinking a few of them on manners (although he has impeccable manners) and potty training as we are having some problems in that area. We have been reading him Underwear Dos and Dont's in hopes that it will help but alas we are still trying.

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