

I have not been in this much pain in some time. I am certainly glad that the doctor had just upped all my doses for me or I would be SOL! I am trying to not overdo it but that is not as easy as it sounds. As you can imagine working in a winery is every bit as physical as working in a brewery. One of these posts I will go into it a bit more.

My wife got a second job offer that while it is less money is more tempting as it is a State job, offers all benefits including a state retirement and the best part is 9-5 M-F. Neither of us have had a 'normal' job in many years. It is also even closer to the house then her previous position which was only 1.8 miles. I do not even think this one is a mile but I will have to check it out. It also means 1 hour a day for lunch in which she will be allowed to come home breaking her day in half! It is too much to pass up even with the pay cut.

Right now I am so tired I want to go to sleep but I have some more things to do and "tag" I still have to tend too.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hooray for your wife, but so sorry that you are not feeling good. Hope you are better today.