

I have a ton of reading to catch up on. I spent the last few days messing around with the computers and trying to get things done around here that I have not had time to read my favorite blogs.

I should have plenty of time over the next day or so as I am restricted to bed by my wife. I felt fine this morning but about the time for my sons nap I was playing around with him, making growling noises while showing him the stuffed bear, and it felt like someone had poked me in the neck with a needle. Sure enough the tonsils and throat are swollen, red and covered with those little white "pimples" that ooze exudate. I have had that flu type headache and a dizzy feeling when I stand up. So I have been packed off to bed.

Funny thing about it though is that the headache does not bother me. Now as a kid this would have been excrutiating I'm sure but compared to the previous headaches this is a cakewalk.

I have stocked up on orange sherbert, ginger ale and Robitussen to get me through the few days and I actually spent most of the day asleep. It is actually being tired that lets me know I am coming down with something as I have slept most of the day and am ready to crawl right back into the bed and sleep the night away.

Ironically while my throat hurts, I am tired and my body does ache, I do not really feel sick. I would prefer to be downstairs with the boys playing a game or watching TV with them but the last thing we need is sick kids, especially my youngest. I feel so bad when he is sick.

So off to read some blogs I go...

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