
Short post

We spent the day with my family out at my sisters house. My nephew turned 3 today so they had a bbq for him.

It was nice to see all my family in one place but my sisters neighbors ruined the day big time. They had a kiddie pool full of stagnant water in the back yard. Of course that turned into a breading ground for mosquito's who chomped on us all night regardless of what we put on to ward them off. Hell I am still scratching! I had one bite that must have been the size of a silver dollar and at least 6-7 quarter sized ones before we all said screw it. The pool was just out of reach and apparently the neighbor was not about to empty it (or cut the grass) so we found a long stick and poked a hole in the bottom of the pool. It was one of those $4 wading pools and I highly doubt based on the algae growing in it that they were going to be using it again. As soon as the water ran down the yard the pest problem let up a bit and we could stop smacking the mosquito's off.

A decent day pain wise. Having to adjust to the new dose a bit as it does make me a bit tired. I ended up falling asleep about 7pm this evening and just now woke up so I am going to take the doc's advice and take 2 pills in hopes that it helps me sleep better. I would prefer some Ambien though, it knocked my butt out last time I took it.

Tomorrow a good friend is in town so I will be trying to catch up with him for dinner. It may be another late post and Bridget, I have not forgotten your list but between the appointments and bbq I have not been online but a few minutes. I promise I will work on it right after breakfast!

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