
Mr. Mom again...

It is beautiful outside! The sliding doors are open and the boys are playing outside, the cool crisp air feels good and smells great. The trees have started to turn, hastening the departure of summer and I am all too happy to see the heat say it's goodbye's and leave us to our own devices.

My back has been mediocre for the last 2 days, not bad but not great either. I have been able to sleep fairly well by timing my meds for bedtime so that I am basically taking them all within an hour of each other and that has really helped me get through the night.

My wife started her new job this Monday working for the state. She is also training at a new restaurant by us so she can pick up tables a night or two a week. The sad thing is that even with working all day and then going to the restaurant at night she will be home before she would with her old employer. Gone are the 14+ hour days and getting home at 4am.

It will be interesting to see how the new insurance works as we will be rolling out of one plan and into another. Since we are doing that I am not pre-existing (THANK GOD!) but I want to make sure that we get on the plan that covers my current doctor. They have a cafeteria plan so there are a ton of options to choose from so I want to make sure that we get the best plan all around. I need to consider the cost of my prescriptions as well as surgical costs as chances are I will be having surgery in the near future for the L1-L4. I have been trying to prioritize the needs of the plan in order so that we get the best coverage but it is not easy.

My thoughts are that I will be having surgery but that is down the road so I need to look at the part of the plan where I will be spending the most out of pocket right now and that is prescriptions. Sure I see the docs a lot but the meds will be more. It is not going to be easy but I have until Monday I believe to get the papers turned in.

It has been nice to have the house all to myself and the youngest again. We can lounge around in our PJ's (yes, I wear PJ's) until nap time at which point it makes no sense to change as we are going to be taking a nap soon. Then it is lunch time followed by some general running around the house and playing games. The library has started story time again since school is going so I thought maybe I would do that a few days a week as he is starting to ask more about reading. Right now though it is time for the boys to come in and take their showers/baths.

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