
RenFest and Amazon.com

I wanted to go to the bookstore but my headache kicked in this morning removing all desire to do anything but relax and take my meds. Thankfully my wife took my oldest out for the afternoon to the renaissance Festival. While they did that the youngest and I relaxed and watched the first season of the Simpsons and fell asleep in the recliner. Boy that little guy is a pillow hog! I seriously think he pushed my head off the pillow a few times.

I am not into the whole SCA or RenFest scene but both my wife and son really like it. Hard to believe I married a nerd! LOL! They both like the RenFest as well as SciFi, Harry Potter and the likes while I prefer to dabble in History, especially Military History. While they were at the festival my son entered an archery contest of some sort and did well enough to win. Not bad for a someone who has never really held a real bow so now like most kids his age who try something new I am expecting to be bombarded with the "I want to buy a bow and arrows." Thankfully it will not be a difficult one to say "No!" to.

While I did not make it to the bookstore like we had planned I did hit Amazon.com and order 4 books online. I was looking for some books on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), DHTML (Dynamic HTML) and ASP (Active Server Pages) as well as anything they might have on VBScript, which was not much. I ended up finding most of what I was looking for in the used section and spent less then $25 for all 4 books including shipping. I actually spent $5 more on shipping then I did on the books but I figure I would have spent $50 at the bookstore if I had gone and would have only walked out with 1-2 books. Yea yea, I am a cheapskate but since these are all "tech" books they generally cost $25-50 a piece at the store, plus my time, gas and the $14 for the pizza. You can't go to the bookstore without hitting my favorite pizza joint.

Anyway, I am trying to bone up on my web development skills so that is why I keep buying all these books. I know I call them "nerds" for going to the RenFest and here I am buying books on programming and markup languages. Their is a difference, they are indeed nerds. I'm just a geek!

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