
Insurance is such a pain!

Well I have gone over the States health care plans and have decided they all are just awful. The one nice thing that I did find is that the State picks up most of the tab as well they have no pre-existing clause in their policies.

However for their PPO's it is 65/35% IN NETWORK which is pathetic and the HMO's have both a co-pay and Co-insurance. It is like a $30 office visit and then 90/10% on top of that. Prescription coverage? I have never heard of paying a percentage like they have listed. Instead of say $20,30,40 for the 3 tier drug program it is percentages, 20%,30%,50% which means drugs are going to be pretty expensive. I am hoping that they have a set amount that a pharmacy can charge though which even with the percentages should keep costs down. I know 1 of my meds alone would cost me about $80 if they base the discount on the pharmacies actual prices. There is no way I will be able to afford all my meds if that is the case.

The good news is that with no pre-existing clause I can remain on our current policy by myself and still have the same benefits for the next 18 months. Since we were already paying 100% of the plans premiums I know what I will be paying through COBRA and when the 18 months are up it would be considered a lifestyle change according to the States brochures so I could just enroll on my wife's policy then.

I did try to call some of the companies the State has their program through but either they were closed (at 4pm?) or they would not talk to me as I was not the employee or I did not have a policy number. So how am I supposed to really compare the plans if I can't ask questions from the companies?

Today has been very cool and windy, right now it is 60F and dropping. We are set for an overnight low into the mid 40's so it looks like I will be kicking the heater on tonight before we turn in. I truly do not like the smell of the heater the first few times it kicks on after being off for almost 5 months. That rusty/dusty smell that takes a day or two to go away. Bleech!

Well tomorrow it looks like I will be spending the day on the phone trying to figure out the insurance deal.

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