
A relaxing Saturday...

I have not been sleeping very well the past few nights due to the pain. I am not sure why the meds have not been working as well as they should but come Monday that should all be taken care of.

It's hard to describe the pain but if you can imagine sleeping on a hard floor or something like that for a few days straight you should be close to understanding. That feeling you get from the hard floor constantly grinding directly on a bone is about as close as I can think of to explain it, that's it right over my hips and around through the small of my back.

I spent most of the day relaxing in my recliner trying to find a way to get comfortable and watching the idiot box with my son. Not much on today but it was nice to just sit and talk with my son. We just chatted about in general topics, how his vacation went and what's on his mind.

For a 12 year old he is very articulate as well we like to let him know that he can talk to us about anything, anytime. While you can tell them that until you are blue in the face the only real way to show them you mean it is to let them talk. While conversations tend to be more general happenings then anything else right now when the time comes for him to really need us he will know that we are there for him.

Monday is my wife's day off so I thought we would all play some of the games that were received as Christmas presents. My youngest got Candyland® which we still need to play with him, our oldest got Scene It, the Disney/Pixar version, and then we also got (from one of my readers no less!) Spy Alley which we have all been wanting to sit down and play.

Having everyone home again is nice and since Monday will be our first day in about a month where we will all be around I am looking forward to sitting down and doing something as a family. I think the boys especially will enjoy it, so I thought we would stop by the grocery store and buy some ice cream and then the sundae toppings and let the boys make their own. I know we always got a kick out of that, ok I still do. LOL!

Here is to a night of sleep that is pain free!

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